Vis Best


Biologically active additive (BAA). It is not a medicine.
Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Each capsule contains:

Haritaki (fruits) (Terminaliachebula (Haritaki)) 125 mg
Bachitaki (fruits) (Terminaliabellerica (Bibhitaki)) 125 mg
Fillanthusemblika (fruits) (Emblicaofficinalis (Amalaki)) 125 mg
Andrographis paniculate (all parts) (Andrographispaniculata (Kalmegh)) 125 mg

Shelf life and Storage conditions: 36 months. Store in cool under 25 ° C, protected from light and humidity place.
Standard packaging: Primary packaging: 60 capsules in a vial. The bottle is in a cardboard box with a liner inside.
Pharmacy leave: No doctor’s prescription

Biologically active additive (BAA).

Food additive Vis Best is a unique source of bioflanoids, tannins, anthocyanidins, hebulyic acid. Gallotannic acid and phytosteroids, triterpenoids, including belleric acid, sitosterol, Bellonicoside and Bellericanin saponins, as well as polyphenols (gallium, ellagic acids, phlembin, etc.), lignans (thermiglunan, tannilignan, flavan, anolignan B) and yellow oil. Which improve vision, relieve stress, fatigue and eye irritations, protect the eyes from the most aggressive parts of the spectrum of light, improves the adaptation of vision in the dark.

Indications for use:
“Vis Best” is used for replenishing the diet with bioflavonoids, participating in various functional disorders of the eyes,

Dosage and route of administration:
1-2 capsules 2 times a day before meals for 10-15 minutes with plenty of water. The dose is selected individually depending on the condition of the visual organ.

The first 10-14 days are possible manifestations of the following conditions:
• Nausea;
• Heartburn;
• Belching after application;
• Bloating
With these manifestations, the drug should be taken during meals.

• Hypersensitivity to any of the components of dietary supplements.
• Do not take during pregnancy and lactation.
• Children under 7 years.

Vis best – Ayurvedic preparation containing a unique combination of key nutrients designed to improve vision.
Any person for lifetime problems with vision. Eyes get tired, tears or becomes too dry, itchy, painful react to bright light, become inflamed; there are ulcers or hemorrhage. Sometimes these symptoms are associated only with disease of the eye, and sometimes they are a manifestation of diseases of other organs or the body as a whole. Vision problems now more than ever urgent for all developed countries. The reasons are many and the rapid development of computer technology, computers and mobile devices, and monotonous office work most of the urban population, and poor quality of food given replenishment of essential vitamins and minerals.
Severe environmental pollution, increased radiation adversely affect the health status of the population. Therefore, the body needs powerful antioxidant protection
But all these troubles can be avoided if to give the eyes a rest from time to time, and to include in the diet necessary vitamins and minerals that support normal functioning of the retina, lens and muscle responsible for accommodation. It would be ideal to get all the necessary substances from fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. But it is not always possible to eat properly in the frantic pace of everyday life. And so it is best to ensure the eyes need food to include in a daily menu Supplements for eyes. You should understand that dietary Supplements for vision do not contain any magical substances that will make your short-sightedness in one hundred percent vision. But, nevertheless, dietary Supplements for eyes will not let the disease to progress even in the busiest work period of your life. Used dietary Supplements to improve vision in the postoperative period and during preventive treatment.
Vis best is a wonderful tool that protects cell membranes and finer structures, such as RNA and DNA, and also can strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve peripheral circulation and blood flow to the retina. They are the first to suffer as intoxication external toxins and endogenous aggression from the breakdown products (metabolites), as well as infection control.
Haritaki is one of the most famous plants in Ayurveda, which is the “Golden number” of Ayurveda and is revered throughout India.

“Haritaki” is literally translated as “eliminate the disease”.
Haritaki is a powerful antioxidant. Haritaki improves vision, memory, circulation, immunity, stops bleeding, lowers cholesterol. It also has properties to rejuvenate, cleanse the body of toxins. Additional properties include: carminative, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal, normalizes the activity of the whole organism, eliminates irregularities in its work, improve the perception of all five senses.
— to improve vision, relieve stress, fatigue and irritation of the eyes, protect the eyes from the most aggressive parts of the light spectrum, improves the adaptation of vision in the dark. As well as in inflammatory diseases (conjunctivitis, etc)
— as a General tonic, an antioxidant and rejuvenator for the entire body, strengthens the immune system,
— to improve brain function, enhance memory, improves learning ability, intelligence
for toning the nervous system, for nervous disorders, relieves fatigue, stress, depression
— to cleanse the body of toxins and impurities
— for fever, asthma, tuberculosis, cough, hoarseness, as an expectorant.
— digestive problems, to improve digestion and assimilation of food, stimulates the appetite
— as a mild laxative and regulates bowel function, helps maintain regular bowel movements and ensures smooth cleaning, depending on dosage helps both with constipation and diarrhea (often taken with bibhitaki)
— as an antitumor agent and as a cancer prevention
— hepatitis, liver function normalizes, due to the high content of hebelieves acid, a toxin from the liver

Haritaki has anti-oxidant, rejuvenating, tonic, carminative, antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, astringent, and hemostatic properties.
Bibhitaki – possessing a strong antioxidant and rejuvenating effect.
Bibhitaki contains triterpenoids, including Bellerive acid, sitosterol, saponins of bellerose and Billericay and polyphenols (gallium, elayaway acid, filamin, etc.), lignans (terilynn, dannilynn, flavan, unaligned In) and a yellow oil. Bibitaki very rich gallotannins acid and phytosteroids, has antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, antioxidant, tonic, expectorant, purgative, anthelmintic, analgesic, anti-fungal properties.
Bibhitaki used in the following cases:
• to improve eyesight, eye diseases, inflammation
• to rejuvenate the entire body, strengthen the immune system, neutralize the negative effects on the body, the normalization of all its activities, gives vitality and restores after a serious illness and stress in immunodeficiency
• in cardiovascular diseases
•in diabetes, normalizes blood sugar levels
• to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood
• as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent
• for respiratory diseases, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, laryngitis, cough with pain in the throat
• for improving the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the intestines, improves its tone, as a laxative and chronic diarrhea
• as a means of cleansing the body of toxins and impurities
Phyllantus emblika contains large amounts of vitamin C, Scientists say that compared to the oranges of this substance in the fruit embliki contains more at least once in thirty.
This vitamin is a major antioxidant in our body, as it provides the redox balance in the internal environments at the cellular level. Moreover, ascorbic acid helps produce the antibodies, the absorption of iron, treatment of scurvy
The fruit also is high in iron. This mineral element is the main component of hemoglobin, the protein that is the carrier of oxygen in the body.

The major beneficial properties
• Emblica a lot of antioxidants
• strengthening of vision, prevention of cataracts (again, due to the high concentration of antioxidants);
• stimulation of hematopoiesis (the synthesis of erythropoietin and hemoglobin).
• improvement of the blood;
• strengthen bones, teeth;
• improved skin, hair and nails;
• stimulating the production of insulin and normalization of blood sugar levels.
• lowering blood pressure (components of the fruit possess hypotensive action);
• prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis;
• a strengthened immune system;
• treatment of diseases of the liver, spleen, heart, lungs;
• has antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties;

Multicomponent composition embliki contains such compounds having a higher biological activity as nicotine and gallium acid, tannin, thiamine bromide, carotene, glucose, albumin, phosphorus, iron and calcium. To this we can confidently add the record content of vitamin C.
Unique to the category applies to another ability embliki. The fact that dried fruits are useful, as well as the taste and consumer properties are preserved at least three years unchanged. Even vitamin and mineral composition embliki drug remains constant, due to the high stability and balance all of its components.
Andrographis paniculate Main chemical compounds of A. paniculata are diterpenoids, (20 connections), and more than a dozen flavonoids, which are credited with the principal biological activity of the plant. The main diterpenoids the lactones of the aerial parts of the plant are Andrographolide, (known for his taste the king of bitterness) deoxyandrographolide, neoandrographolide and desoxymethyltestosterone, panicled, andropause [Zhao et al., 2002; Chen et al., 2006]. Flavonoids of the plant are 7-O-metalogenia, Andrographolide, trihydroxyflavone flavonoid glycoside, 7,4′-dimethyl ester of apigenin and other compounds [Koteswara Rao et al., 2004; Chen et al., 2006]. Recently in the composition of plants discovered two new flavonoid glycoside, a new diterpenoid Andrographolide acid and Andrographis [Li et al., 2007]. A very interesting component andrografisa are arabinogalactane proteins [Majewska-Sawka & Nothnagel, 2000].
Preparations of the aerial parts of A. paniculata, and selected him out of it diterpene lactones and above all – Andrographolide, in addition to well-documented effectiveness as a cure for colds, have high hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity. Hepatoprotective activity of components andrografisa is nonspecific and is manifested by the action of various toxic factors, including alcohol intoxication. A characteristic feature of drugs Andrographis is their efficiency in exchange application, as means for preventing the pathological effects of toxins. Drugs andrografisa able to increase the activity of enzymes “a phase II detoxification enzyme” in the liver, preventing the accumulation of neurotoxic compounds involved in the pathogenesis of alcoholism and alcohol withdrawal syndrome.