

Biologically active additives (BAA). Is not a drug.
Before applying are encouraged to consult with your doctor.

Each capsule contains:

Andrographis paniculata (Andrographis paniculate) 125.0 mg
Phyllanthus fraternus (Phyllantus, niruri) 125.0 mg
Rubia cordifolia (madder serdtselistnaya ) 50.0 mg
Eclipta alba (Eklipt white) 50.0 mg
Glycyrrhiza glabra (Glycyrrhiza glabra) 50.0 mg
Boerhaavia Diffusa (Punarnava) 50.0 mg
Citrus limon ( Lemon) 50.0 mg

Shelf life and storage Conditions: 36 months. Store in a cool below 25C, protected from light and humidity.
Standard packaging: Primary packaging: 60 capsules per bottle. The bottle is in a carton with liner inside.
Leave of absence from the pharmacy: Without a prescription

Pharmacological properties
Biologically active additives (BAA).
Food Supplement HEPA+ is a source of plant natural oils, flavonoids (Glycyrrhiza glabra or smooth, Punarnava); enzymes (Eklipt white); calcium, potassium, iron, copper, phosphorus (Marena serdtselistnaya, Punarnava), saponins (Phyllantus, niruri), citric and ascorbic acids, essential oils (Lemon).
Restores enzymatic, mineral deficiencies associated with insufficient dietary intake, improves digestion, has a bracing effect.

Indications for use
GEPA + is used to replenish diet bioflavanoids, saponins, participating in structural and functional maintenance of the liver.

Dosage and method of application
Adults: 1-2 capsule 2 times daily during the meal. The dose is adjusted depending on the state of the liver.
Children over 12 years: 1 capsule 2 times daily during the meal.

The first 10-14 days of a possible manifestation of the following conditions:
• Nausea;
• Heartburn;
• Burping after use;
• Bloating
• In these manifestations, the drug should be taken before meals for 5-10 minutes, drinking plenty of water.
• Hypersensitivity to the components of dietary SUPPLEMENTS.
• Pregnant women in the first trimester.

Special instructions
Pregnant women in the second and third trimesters and lactating only on the advice of a doctor.

In modern conditions of very high stress on the liver. Semi-synthetic food, polluted air, alcohol consumption is one of the many factors that can disrupt proper liver. To maintain the health of the liver we suggest You to use Ayurvedic product “HEPA+”
“HEPA+” has hepatoprotective effects, helps to normalize the digestive processes, improve the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, increase the body’s resistance to the effects of toxic substances; protection of cell membranes from oxidation; maintaining the functional activity of the nervous system; improve liver detoxification function, protects the liver from obesity and leads to lower cholesterol levels.

Andrographis paniculata contains: Andrographolide: deoxyandrographolide (Andrographolide As), Andrographolide, neoandrographolide (Andrographolide) and 14 deoxy — 11,12-dehydroandrographolide (Andrographolide D). All four groups of Andrographolide Andrographis (A, b, C and D) to a greater or lesser extent have wiresolutions action, effective against herpes virus, CMV, enterovirus, etc. Have as a specific antigenic activity, and nonspecific immune-stimulating effects. Andrographolide and dramatically increase the phagocytic activity of neutrophils; have Antidiarrhoeal action, neutralizing LT – and LT/ST enterotoxins of Escherichia coli. Especially effective in the ST-enterotoxin most frequently causes irregularity in newborns. Andrographolide To largely neutralize the hepatotoxic effect of various external and internal factors. The most powerful anti-inflammatory effect of Andrographolide D, is less pronounced action group V. Andrographolide And in the rank in last place. All groups of Andrographolide have a bacteriostatic effect on Staphilococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Protus vulgaris, Shigella and Escherichia coli dysenterial.

Use Andrografisa in traditional medicine has hundreds of years of history. In Indian medicine, Andrographis has long been used to treat various disorders of the liver, intestinal infections, dysentery, dyspepsia and General exhaustion. With the same purpose, as a natural antibiotic, Andrographis is currently used in the Chinese army. In China, Andrographis is often primenyayut in traditional plant Chinese medicine Andrographis ability to reduce or remove the swelling or inflammation. Conducted joint research, which confirmed the ability of the plant to actively inhibit bacteria.

First, as antivirals Andrographis has loudly declared itself during the pandemic of severe influenza, which claimed several hundred thousand lives in India in 1919, But only with the 50-ies started modern research Andrografisa in the United States, India, England, Germany, Thailand and other countries. Many studies have thoroughly investigated its chemical composition, pharmacokinetics, mechanisms of action and clinical effect.

Synthetic antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medications often do not provide sufficient therapeutic action. The reason is that the main reasons for the development of cold-related diseases are disorders of local immunity, and only then activate the virus and (or) bacterial infection (Crompton GK GR Mchardv 1991). In this regard, for the treatment group colds and infectious diseases drugs based on Andrographis paniculate particularly promising not have any side effects (Crompfon GK Thamlikukul Venal 1991).

Clinical trials for comparative characterization of the action Andrographis and some synthetic pharmaceuticals. Andrographolide b and D had the effect similar to the effect on LT – LTST-enterotoxins of Escherichia coli Loperamide (known under the name “Imodium”).

Compared to “Silymarin”, traditionally used in clinical practice as a hepatoprotector. Andrographis proved to be more effective. Andrographolide In largely neutralized the hepatotoxic effects of carbon tetrachloride, galactosamine, ethanol, paracetamol (“Panadol”) and other substances. The decrease in the volume of bile and its content of acids and salts caused by paracetamol was much less pronounced after a preliminary introduction Andrographolide V. Pharmacological and clinical studies conducted by Chang and Bad (1987) confirmed that Andrographis is an effective tool to combat the growing epidemics of viral diseases.
Phyllanthus, niruri – improves metabolism, has choleretic, healing, anti-inflammatory, diuretic effect.
Indications: hepatitis, jaundice, liver and spleen, skin rash and itching, sexually transmitted diseases, diabetes, anemia.

Phyllanthus is one of the best Ayurvedic herbs for the liver. This is one of the few herbs to be equally effective for the treatment of both acute and chronic hepatitis. In our time, when the liver is exposed to excessive toxic load, Phyllanthus it is a wonderful tonic and rejuvenator. It reduces the consequences of adverse effects on the liver of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and other toxins. It can be expected that the use of Phyllanthus will be expanded. Phyllanthus – a plant of the family Euphorbiaceae, in recent years has received wide popularity in many countries because of its ability to loosen almost any stones in the urinary system. Phyllanthus, niruri used in Ayurveda and other medical systems to treat excess uric acid. In India this plant is called “Jumilla” and is used as an antiviral, choleretic, hepatoprotective agent, and in a complex treatment of systemic skin diseases: psoriasis, neurodermatitis and eczema. He was found to have antiparasitic properties. Phyllanthus, niruri contains a wide range of biologically active substances including lignans, terpenes, flavonoids, benzenoids, alkaloids, steroids, vitamin C, tannins and saponins, activating the mechanisms of General cleansing of the body, stimulating the major detoxifying organs, especially the liver and kidneys. Due to the unique chemical composition of Phyllanthus provides a wide range of therapeutic actions, speeding up the elimination of toxins and products of metabolism in a natural way. Phyllanthus, niruri also has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Antibacterial and spasmolytic effect of phyllantus perfectly complemented by a diuretic and camerastore properties that makes it useful in diseases of the kidney and urinary tract: in nephritis, cystitis, pyelitis and urolithiasis (oxalate, urate, carbonate and phosphate concretions), edema, narrowing of the urethra (including the prostate adenoma). Phyllanthus has a strong hepatoprotective effect, used for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, kidney stones and diabetes. Phyllanthus useful for the treatment of skin diseases, thrombophlebitis. Substances contained in this plant protect the hepatocytes from damage by toxins (alcohol, tobacco, drugs) and prevent the passage of hepatitis b virus in the liver. These substances inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol in the blood. Also Phyllanthus increases the liver’s ability to process glucose, normalizes the work of the pancreas and small intestines, has a choleretic property. Phyllanthus helps dissolve kidney stones and bladder. Phyllanthus successfully used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema. The alkaloids contained in the plant, depressing effect on the fungi Candida, chlamydia, Ureaplasma and Escherichia coli.
Madder serdtselistny. As a result of clinical trials revealed that Marena is very effective in kidney stone disease. Drugs also possess diaphoretic, diuretic, antispasmodic and astringent properties. Traditional medicine is a dry extract of the plant is used as antispasmodic and diuretic, it is used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation) , liver (jaundice) , enuresis (bedwetting), gout and arthritis and treat inflammation of the spleen, hemoptysis, nasal bleeding, heavy trauma, it is prescribed for menstrual disorders (dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and endometritis) in addition, the plant is used as an aid in the treatment of tuberculosis of bones. It also used to lighten pigment spots, treatment of ulcers, ringworm, psoriasis and skin cancer. Treatment with the extract helps to get rid of kidney stones, it is effective in the treatment of kidney nephrolithiasis, urate nephrolithiasis, urinary tract infections and other diseases. The madder extract contains derivatives oximetry and oxyanthracene and glycosides, due to which this tool has a pronounced diuretic and antispasmodic effect, promotes the loosening of urinary calculi to facilitate the discharge of sand and reduce spasms. As well as in pneumonia, exudative pleurisy and pulmonary tuberculosis. It is prescribed for smallpox, anthrax, complicated by diseases of the digestive system. They also treat mental disorders.
Preparations from the plant are used as tonic and bracing means
Chemical composition. Rhizomes and roots contain anthraquinones (alizarin, aliasid, lucigen, moisten, purpurin, malugin, pseudomorphine, lucigen-3-O-Primerose, rubiadin-3-O-Primerose, rubiadin, fiction, quinizarin, 3,4-digikamplugin, xanthopurpurin, etc.), triterpenoids (suberbiola A, B, C, D, E, F, robobrain and rubymania and rubifolia acid). Aboveground part contains iridoids, flavonoids, and coumarins; scopoletin, fatty acids, β-sitosterol, daucosterol.

Conclusion. Madder serdtselistny is used as a tonic, restorative, accelerate blood circulation, hypotensive, emmenagogue, anti-allergic, regulates salt metabolism, analgesic, antispasmodic, haemostatic, antipyretic, antitumor, anti-inflammatory and antitussive agent.
When applied topically has wound-healing, antiseptic, antimicrobial and antitoxic action. The experiment revealed that the anticoagulant, antibacterial, protistotsidnym and antitumor activity

The eklipt white is highly valued in Ayurvedic (ancient Indian medicine) practice because of its beneficial properties, especially its ability to cure liver disease. Is considered a powerful liver tonic, promotes heart health by lowering high blood pressure Yurevna of cholesterol in the blood has a rejuvenating effect on the body, has diuretic, hypotensive, and anticholesterol action. So Eclipta not only reduces high blood pressure, but also helps to prevent some complications that accompany it, such as kidney damage.
• Eklipt white effective brain tonic, improves memory, sleep, learning and concentration, and even vision problems such as myopia. Helps relieve stress and has the property of the muscle, causes relaxation of striated muscles.
• Acts as a safe and effective natural painkiller. The eklipt contains a variety of natural pain killing substances — alkaloids and triterpenes, which help overcome mild to moderate pain without side effects. This contrasts sharply with conventional painkillers, which can cause numerous harmful side effects, including drowsiness and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
• helps to reduce high blood sugar levels. This property has been used in traditional health practice in India for many centuries and has been confirmed by scientists.
• Improves immunity and helps to create a natural resistance to ill-health. The study showed that Eclipta improves the actions of phagocytes important immune cells that seek and destroy any infection in the body for the treatment of diseases such as liver cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis and gallbladder disease. As for the treatment of bleeding, hemoptysis, hematuria and itching, diphtheria and diarrhoea.

Chemical composition
Plant eklipt white is very promising. Recent studies have found additional, still unknown to the healing properties of eclipta Alba. This is not surprising, given the fact that the plant is filled with beneficial ingredients: alkaloid Ecliptic (protects from liver disease), steroid alkaloids (kill cancer cells) and eklipt-saponin (protects the brain from toxic damage).
Coumarin derivatives (e.g. wedelolactone and demethylwedelolactone) determine antihemorrhagic and antibacterial properties of the plant.
Polypeptides, polyacetylenes, thiophene derivatives, triterpenes and flavonoids, make this plant an effective antiviral, antifungal agent, has astringent, antipyretic properties, tones, rejuvenates and improves metabolism. Has hemostatic, protivomigrenoznoe, strengthens the nerves, healing, immune-stimulating effect.

Many of these medicinal properties are currently supported by research, and in relation to the liver-protective properties the researchers found that the plant is able to protect liver cells from harmful toxins.

Licorice contains triterpene saponin structure – glycyrrhizin, which is a potassium and calcium salt of glycyrrhizic acid, sweet taste. Also found another saponin – UralInformBureau acid.
The contents of glycyrrhizic acid in roots and rhizomes of licorice varies widely – from 8% to 24%.
Another important group of biologically active substances in licorice root are the flavonoids. Their number is at the root of the plant can reach 3-4%. In the roots and rhizomes of licorice found about 27 flavonoid compounds, among which a significant number liquiritin, isoliquiritin, likurazid, solaraid, ranaivoniarivo, ratnasooriya, polyvoltine, glipazide, Uralsiba etc.

The use of licorice
Of particular interest are glicirretovaâ and glycyrrhizic acid. Abroad, they corticomotor drugs have found application in Addison’s disease and other disorders of water and mineral metabolism.
Of licorice root get the extract (thick and dry), a number of herbal medicines, complex powders and pills gliciram representing monoammonium salt of glycyrrhizic acid, drug likviriton comprising a water-soluble complex of flavonoids of licorice and integrated drug flakarbin that contains one of the flavonoid glycosides of licorice root – likurazid.

Flavonoids isolated from licorice, exert versatile effects on the body: antispasmodic, healing and anti-inflammatory, reduces capillary fragility.
The presence of mucous substances and pectin in licorice gives the opportunity to use it as a laxative and expectorant. Liquorice preparations used in diseases of the respiratory tract as an expectorant and emollient agent for diseases associated with disruption of water and mineral metabolism, for the treatment of gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers, atherosclerosis.
Chemical composition
• carbohydrates and related compounds (glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose);
• polysaccharides (starch to 34 %, cellulose 30 %, pectin),
• organic acids (succinic, fumaric, citric, malic, tartaric),
• essential oil
• triterpenoids (glycyrrhizin acid),
• resin
• steroids (β-sitosterol),
• phenolcarbonic acids and their derivatives (frolovoy, CinemaNow, salicylic),
• coumarins (herniarin, umbelliferone,etc.)
• tannins (an 8.3 14.2 percent),
• flavonoids (liquiritin, isoliquiritin,liquiritin, quercetin, kaempferol, apigenin,etc.)
• higher aliphatic hydrocarbons and alcohols,
• higher fatty acids, alkaloids.
• vitamins (ascorbic acid, carotene).

Punarnava is an important tonic and rejuvenating herb for the kidneys. Diet with regular use of Punarnava helps the normal functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. The word Punarnava stands for body renewal.
Used to treat jaundice, General fever and obesity. Relieves all kinds of swelling, purifies the blood, stops bleeding. Is analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Reduces blood sugar, is cardiotonica.

Due to high content of calcium salts and alkaloid, punarnava has a diuretic effect, enhances the synthesis of hemoglobin and eliminates stagnation in the liver. Catechins enhance the vascular endothelium, are used for rheumatism. It relieves swelling of the joints caused by inflammation of arthritis. Possesses anti-inflammatory activity. It is used to relieve neurotic syndrome, because it has a high hormonal activity. Relieves allergic swelling, including heavy. It helps to remove mucous from the bronchial tubes lot, therefore, she effectivene against asthma.
Punarnava has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, blood purifier, analgesic, astringent, hemostatic, diuretic, carminative, expectorant.

Applies in the following cases:
• as tonic for the liver, means for the elimination of toxins by restoring the chemically-poisoned liver injury , hepatitis
• as a powerful decongestant, kidney disease, nephritis, cystitis, stones and sand in the kidneys and allergies
• as an anti-inflammatory for rheumatism, arthritis, inflammation and swelling of the joints
— as a diuretic
— as cholagogue
— as blood-purifying agent
— as a styptic, for hemorrhoids
— neurotic syndrome
— as a tonic for the heart when fluid accumulation, cardiac edema, General edema from heart failure.
— to normalize cholesterol
— asthma and cough as an expectorant
— if you have diabetes to reduce sugar level
— how lactogogue tool
— to strengthen the immune system of the body as an antioxidant
— to improve appetite and digestion
— as a laxative for constipation
— for the relief of gastric pain, flatulence
— when menorrhagia is enhanced and prolonged menstrual bleeding
— for the treatment of skin diseases, an effective remedy for scabies
— in anemia

The composition of lemon: vitamins and minerals
The main components of the lemon are of course water and citric acid. But in addition, there still are important for the body vitamins. Most in the lemon vitamin C, which is essential for proper metabolism in the body and is involved in tissue nutrition. Along with Milliman contains vitamins a, B1, B2, and D, and also vitamin, is specific to citrus: citrine (vitamin P). The chemical composition is a complex phenolic compound with high biological activity and medicinal qualities. Lemon is rich in mineral salts, and citric acid, so its use is very useful and important for the body.
It is this combination of broad-spectrum useful for the human body substances makes the lemon an irreplaceable food product and valuable medicinal and cosmetic tool. After all, the rich set of vitamins is something that is never enough man for productive activity.

Calorie lemon 100 g of product is 16 kcal:
• Protein ― 0.9 g
• Fats ― 0.1 g
• Carbohydrates ― 3.0 g

Useful properties of lemon. Treatment lemon
It is recommended in atherosclerosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney stones, broken metabolism, hemorrhoids, feverish conditions and as an external remedy for fungal skin diseases.
It is used when a deficiency of vitamins C and P, in diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders, and gastritis with low acidity, gout, kidney stones and other diseases.

After all, sometimes we want to cure one ailment, but we get a “gift” action side effects.
“GEPA +” the drug has a unique ability to affect the body without side effects
You will not only restore the disturbed functions of the body, but also do not break other functions
Taking the drug ” GEPA +” you get not only restorative effect, but also the whole complex of vitamins and minerals.